Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Causative Verb

Pengertian Causative Verb
Ketika melihat seorang teman telah memotong rambutnya, pertanyaan mana yang lebih tepat kita utarakan? "When did you cut your hair?" atau "When did you have your hair cut?". Begitu juga jawabannya, mana yang lebih tepat, "I cut my hair yesterday." atau "I had it cut yesterday."?
Kedua bentuk pertanyaan dan jawaban tersebut sebenarnya memiliki perbedaan makna yang sangat mendasar "When did you cut your hair?" ~ "I cut my hair yesterday." sebenarnya bermakna memotong rambut kita sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain. Jika kita menyuruh orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu (misal: memotong rambut kita), akan lebih tepat jika kita mengatakan "When did you have your hair cut?" ~ I had it cut yesterday." Inilah yang disebut causative verb.
Fungsi dan Rumus Causative Verbs
Kalimat causative verb terbagi menjadi 2 macam, yaitu active causative dan passive causative. Pada kalimat active causative verb, agent (yang mengerjakan aksi) diketahui. Sebaliknya, pada kalimat passive causative verb, agent (yang mengerjakan aksi) biasanya tidak disebutkan.
Active Causative (menyuruh seseorang untuk melakukan/mengerjakan sesuatu)
Passive Causative (meminta seseorang untuk dikerjakan)
Umumnya ada empat kata kerja causative verb yang sering digunakan, yakni let, make, have dan get ada yang menggunakan action verb berupa bare infinitive (infinitive without to) dan ada pula yang to infinitive.

Contoh dan Penggunaan Causative Verb
1)   Causative “Let”
Biasa digunakan untuk menunjukan bahwa seseorang/suatu hal telah memperbolehkan atau mengizinkan Subjek utama untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan.

    Rumus :
    S + (Let/Lets) + Agent + Action Verb (Bare Infinitive)

    Example :
1)   My father lets me choose my own car
2)   I can let this car cool
3)   The shepherd lets his sheep graze in the meadow
4)   Danu let Rian borrow his car
5)   The lecture let the students leave class early
6)   Never let her go or you will regret forever

2)  Causative “Make”
Digunakan untuk menunjukan bahwa aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh subjek dikarenakan adanya paksaan dari orang lain, atau ada suatu hal yang memaksa subjek untuk melakukan hal tersebut.

    Rumus :
 S + (Make/Makes/Made) + Agent + Action Verb (Bare Infinitive)
1)  Ronald made Wahyu carry his book
2)  The manager makes her staff work hard
3)  I make this radio work
4)  My teacher make me do my homework
5)  Sad movies make me cry
6)  I make this house cleaned
7)  The robber made the teller give him the money
8)  I made the machine work
9)  The teacher always makes the students stay in their own seats
10)    The manager made the salesman attend the confrence

3)   Causative “Have”
Digunakan untuk menunjukkan pemberian tanggung jawab terhadap seseorang dalam melakukan sesuatu.
    Rumus Active Causative Verb
S + (Has/Have/Had) + Agent + Action Verb (Bare Infinitive) + Object

Example :
1)   I had my sister take that ball
2)   Alfin had Bayu wash his car
3)   I have him clean my clothes
4)   She has me come to her house right now
5)   I had my brother take that glass
6)   Rani has Yudi climb the tree
7)   Julia had her friend take her result test
8)   The student had the teacher speak slowly
9)   My father had the craftsman decorate the house last week
10)          My boss has me type all the documents

    Rumus Passive Causative Verb
    S + (Has/Have/Had) + Object + Action Verb (V3)

Example :
1)  I had my car cleaned yesterday
2)  My father had the house decorated by craftsman last week
3)  I have your computer fixed
4)  Alfin had his car washed
5)  I had my jacket cleaned yesterday
6)  I had my house renovated last week
7)  He had his book returned as soon as possible
8)  I have the speaker loaded
9)  She has her car fixed

4)  Causative “Get”
Biasa digunakan untuk meyakinkan seseorang  untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan.  Fungsinya mirip dengan have namun dengan struktur kalimat yang berbeda.

    Rumus Active Causative Verb
 S + (Get/Gets/Got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive)

Example :
1)  She got her brother to buy her a basket ball
2)  They get me to was the clothes
3)  I got my friend to help this homework
4)  Gina got Barry to wash the car
5)  He gets Toni to brush the shoes
6)  The boy got his cat to chase a mouse
7)  My mother gets me to water the flowers
8)  I get you to like this explanation
9)  She got her parents to buy her a tennis racket
10)   Alfin got Bayu to wash his car

    Rumus Passive Causative Verb
    S + (Get/Gets/Got) + object + action verb (V3)

Example :
1)   Cindy got her bedroom cleaned
2)   Barry got the money saved in the bank
3)   Alfin got his car washed
4)   The government got the bridge built quickly
5)   Dimas gets her hair cut

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